Apologies to 3D Connexion, the reasons and it's still not an excuse

I’ve completely dropped the ball on this one! The kind folks at 3Dconnexion sent me their mouse and device, and I’ve only managed to make two posts about it. So, what happened?

Well, most of my work is done on a laptop in the living room. Even though I have a dedicated office, I rarely use it. I made a couple of posts when I first received the device, but I quickly got frustrated with how long it was taking me to learn how to use it, not just that but it was causing me pain in my shoulder? which I found out the reason why (explained later). But, I could of still reviewed the mouse! Eventually, I slipped back into my usual routine, laptop, sofa, touchpad.

I’ve been dealing with some health issues that I’m hoping to overcome this year. Specifically, I’ve been struggling with sciatica in both legs. What I thought was helping—working on the sofa in a soft, comfortable nest—has actually been making things worse. I barely move from that spot, which only aggravates my condition.

With the new year in full swing, I decided it was time for a change. One of my resolutions was to set up a proper, professional workspace. Last week, I finally made it happen.

I now have a standing desk, an extra monitor, a proper microphone stand, the works, and I got everything at a great price. The standing desk has been a game-changer. Not only is my back pain been starting to ease, but my rib pain is also improving. I’ve let myself go for too long, and it’s time to give myself a good kick in the backside and start taking better care of myself.  To top it all my partner did a full DSE / Workstation assessment on the setup and spotted issues with desk height they may of been affecting my shoulder.

That said, there’s no excuse for my delay. All this gear has been in boxes in my office for months. Only now have I managed to get everything set up and running. The real culprit here? Sheer procrastination.

Just yesterday, I was thinking about how I need to get back to 3Dconnexion, either return the device or commit to using it.  As you can see it's added it to the setup.

There is no excuse now.  Big apologies to 3Dconnexion


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