
Export Multiple Selected to Multiple STEP Files in One Go - FreeCAD Macro

This macro will take the selected objects i.e. a number of seperate extrudes that you have ctrl selected from screen, and export them out as individual step files into your chosen directory.  A demonstration of this macro can be found on my youtube channel . To use the macro take a copy of the below text. from PySide import QtGui folder = str(QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, "Select Directory")) a = Gui.Selection.getSelection() count = 0 import ImportGui options = None if hasattr(ImportGui, "exportOptions"): options = ImportGui.exportOptions(".step") for b in a: objs = [] objs.append(b) file = folder+"/"+str(count)+".step" ImportGui.export(objs, file, options) count = count + 1 Load freeCAD and from the top menu select macro > macros.  You will see the Execute Macro popup. Click on the create button and give your macro a name in the popup that follows. Click OK.  A new window will ap

Reference image for the video: FreeCAD: Picture Frame / Tray Tracing, Modelling, Assembly

Reference image for the video tutorial FreeCAD: Picture Frame / Tray Tracing, Modelling, Assembly . This image is loaded in through file > import (FreeCAD v0.21 and above) or via the image workbench (FreeCAD v0.20 and below and some earlier development versions of 0.21)

FreeCAD For Beginners: CAD Thinking Part 4:

Learning how to turn real life objects into CAD Models. Using FreeCAD we explain at a beginner level how to break down a physical object into its primitive shapes to digitise it into a 3D model, with this episode we are looking at a multi-part assembly, modelling each piece individually. The series aims to open your eyes and mind giving you the ground skills to pick the correct profiles, geometry and workflow when it comes to modelling your parts. This is not just for FreeCAD but for all CAD packages out there. Part  1 ,  2 ,  3  and  4  have been released.  Part 5 will be coming soon. Part 4: Click here for video

FreeCAD For Beginners: CAD Thinking Part 3

Learning how to turn real life objects into CAD Models. Using FreeCAD we explain at a beginner level how to break down a physical object into its primitive shapes to digitise it into a 3D model, with this episode we are looking at a multi-part assembly, modelling each piece individually. The series aims to open your eyes and mind giving you the ground skills to pick the correct profiles, geometry and workflow when it comes to modelling your parts. This is not just for FreeCAD but for all CAD packages out there. Part  1 ,  2 ,  3  and  4  have been released.  Part 5 will be coming soon. Part 3: Click here for video

FreeCAD For Beginners: CAD Thinking Part 2

Learning how to turn real life objects into CAD Models. Using FreeCAD we explain at a beginner level how to break down a physical object into its primitive shapes to digitise it into a 3D model, with this episode we are looking at a multi-part assembly, modelling each piece individually. The series aims to open your eyes and mind giving you the ground skills to pick the correct profiles, geometry and workflow when it comes to modelling your parts. This is not just for FreeCAD but for all CAD packages out there. Part  1 ,  2 ,  3  and  4  have been released.  Part 5 will be coming soon. Part 2: Click here for video

FreeCAD For Beginners: CAD Thinking Part 1

Learning how to turn real life objects into CAD Models. Using FreeCAD we explain at a beginner level how to break down a physical object into its primitive shapes to digitise it into a 3D model, with this episode we are looking at a multi-part assembly, modelling each piece individually. The series aims to open your eyes and mind giving you the ground skills to pick the correct profiles, geometry and workflow when it comes to modelling your parts. This is not just for FreeCAD but for all CAD packages out there. Part  1 ,  2 ,  3  and  4  have been released.  Part 5 will be coming soon. Part 1: Click here for video part 1 In this video we are dealing with the first part of our latch assembly. We start to break down the part into its primitives and understand how we can use two different profiles from two different planes together to build the part. We will then look at fillets and chamfers and the problems that may occur when filleting this model Part of the Learning FreeCAD for Beginne

Using Multiple Configurations in FreeCAD

This article explains how to setup and run #freeCAD with multiple configuration files. In the past when teaching FreeCAD on my YouTube channel I often got asked where a toolbar is or why mine differ from the viewers. About 12 months ago I stop customising my toolbars and configuration as my channel supporters are my first priority when it comes to my FreeCAD work. I have now only just stumbled across the terminal commands to run FreeCAD with different options using the -u parameter. After a bit of reading I found I could run FreeCAD from different configurations. This allows me to set up a directory to hold the individual configs and then run different bash scripts to load FreeCAD and point it to the configuration of my liking. Below is an example of my Linux bash script I use to load my configuration 1. All you need to do is supply the location of the configuration file with a specific switch, if one cannot be found then the default configuration is loaded. Once you have change

FreeCAD Lattice 2 Tutorials List

The lattice2 workbench is one of those freeCAD addons that appears daunting to the beginner. It contains a large array of tools that require the user to perform certain selection combinations on a object or objects and what's known as single or multiple 'placement kites /planes' to produce results. To some its not obvious what the workbench purpose is. When I first investigate a new workbench I take a step back and spend a little time researching its functionality and then find practical examples of what it can be used.  From there the purpose can be interpreted. With lattice2 I first started with its intent. By visiting the authors github page and the FreeCAD wiki the key points of what the workbench is for can be found: Working with and manipulating placements and arrays of placements. An assembly workbench of kinds (don't get fixated on this statement, as you will narrow your vision).  Deals with arrays of objects and placements. These arrays of placements can be gen

Editable ISO Mesh for Curves Workbench Part 1

I talked about creating a Rhino3D tween curve on my Patreon page a few weeks ago ( ) and an idea that I have to get this working as a macro in #FreeCAD. But I thought I try to make a few intermediary macros to get myself back into the swings of programming again.  I already created the 'curve to freehand b-spline' in a previous post but now I want to take this a step further and create a 'ISO curve to freehand b-spline mesh'.  This means that there would be a fully eatable mesh that can be lofted, approximated with some kind of NURBS surface such as a Gordan surfaced or even a plane loft or ruled surface.  Building it with Freehand B-Splines will allow a user to double clicking the individual curves to edit the mesh via the control points.  The ISO surface interrogates a selected surface and creates a UV grid which follows the contours.  My idea is to take this ISO grid and make it fully editable as a mesh allow the resulting surfa

FreeCAD Error Index With Resolutions

The starts of a List of #FreeCAD Errors With Resolution / Fix / Work around To date there is no known list of error messages with resolutions in existence.  The process of creating such a list is not straight forward.  You may think that all that is needed is for a programmer to go through the code and list them along with the resolution, but it is not that straight forwards. FreeCAD is written in C++ and modules can be written in both C++ and Python. If your developer or have an understanding of the coding languages used then you could search the projects github repository.  Looking through the code for the commands that output the standard information, error and warning message to the screen will allow a list to be compiled detailing these errors.  I have included the links below to allow you to take a look at where in the source code that these messages are echoed to the screen :