
Showing posts from March, 2022

Lattice 2: Using a linear array with a helix

A helix whether 2D or 3D, can be used as scaffold geometry.  By using such operations as a sweep we can create such objects a internal and external threads, compression springs, Archimedes screws, circular spiral stair cases, the list goes on.  The process of creating these models is more or less the same in all CAD packages.  This tutorial will concentrate on repeating a part across a helix path.  For this we will be using the workbench known as Lattice 2, with it's powerful array and placement tools it should make the process of creating such structures     First of all you will need the lattice2 WB installed which can be found in the add on manager.  The add on manager consists of a number of external workbenches that can be installed into FreeCAD.  To install Lattice 2 go to the top menu > tools > add on manager and install the WB. Jump to the Part WB. Select the top menu > part > create primitives ... A new panel will appear...