Animation In FreeCAD
When it comes to scripting macros in FreeCAD there is one main purpose that comes to mind; animation. In 3D packages such as Maya, Lightwave, Studio max etc the subject of animation is tackled via a keyframe timeline system. You move an object from one key frame to another and the 3D package fills in the gaps. This is known as tweening as in 'in-between'. The system is intelligent enough to figure out the next frames. In CAD we don't have the same privileges because CAD is geared towards building technical models and simulation rather than animation, for example we can simulate airflow with precise parameters, test the strength of and stresses on materials, discover clashes between component within building a structure etc. These are all engineering and scientific areas and it's easy to loose track of the fact that when we look at the earlier 3D packages mentioned we are in the subject area of entertainment i.e. film, TV, games etc Th...