Multi Body Hinged Boxed with Shape Binder
Multi Body Hinged Boxed with Shape Binder We are going to create a non symmetric box in FreeCAD with basic pin hinges for 3D printing. We will utilise the part design shapebinder for placement and to act as a simple master sketch between the hinges of the bodies allowing for diameter changes in the hinges to take effect on both bodies. 1. In the part design create a body and then create a sketch on the x/y plane. Create a simple box say 80 mm x 50 mm constrained to the centre with symmetric constraints to the point of origin. 2. Close the sketch and pad to 50 mm. This will be the lower body of the box. 3. Select the top of the box and select the thickness icon to create a void with 4 mm thick walls. Select the option to push the thickness inwards. 4. Select OK and bring the view around to the right. Select the face and create a sketch on the face. Bring in the left top point by using the create an edge linked to external geometry tool. Create two concentric circles to each...